Where are you from?
I am always stumped by that question. What does it really
mean? where was I born? where was I before being here right now? What is my 'ethnicity'?
What is my nationality?
Some part of why I am stumped, comes from the fact that I
myself do not know where I fit. What label most fits me or who do I talk for
when I say 'we'. It also comes from a place where I do not like people to try
and place me as an X without really knowing me or wanting to know me.
In India my mother was always asked the question, what is
your maiden last name. Our family name did not clearly carry any cast
connotation. The query for maiden last name was actually asking which cast/sub-cast
she was. I find the question, where are you from, similar to such questions. It
is basically asking the question, 'are you of us or that other grouping?' or 'I
can hear in your accent or see in your coloring that you are not of us so where
can I fit you so that I know who you are.'
I have always liked to be eclectic and the
question where are you from forces me to side with one or the other of the many
places, people, 'cultures', traditions, schools of thought that I like to associate
with, feel comfortable with or take pride in being part of.